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Comprehensive Iodine Thyroid Profile

$299.00 Purchase Kit Here

How widespread is iodine deficiency? In the United States iodine deficiency is becoming more problematic due to a decrease in dietary iodized salt intake as a means to reduce high blood pressure. Urinary iodine levels in the US today are about half what they were in the 1970s. Iodine is an essential element that is pivotal to normal function of the thyroid gland�in addition to�the health and integrity of breast tissue. Accurate diagnosis may often be overlooked because the symptoms overlap with those of other illnesses, perhaps masking the problem. Testing Iodine levels and accessing�treatment for both excessive or deficiency levels� is an emerging area of science that holds potential for improving your health and longevity.

Iodine Test in Dried Urine
PBW now offers a test for diagnostic measurements of iodine with the development and application of dried urine testing. Using this simple dried urine test is one of the easiest ways to take control of your health and wellness while understanding the importance of underlying symptoms and your potential risk for iodine deficiency. With a simple, innovative dried urine test, it now only requires a few minutes to collect urine on a filter strip 2 times a day as opposed to the inconvenience of a 24 hour collection that requires a bulky container for collection.

Comprehensive Iodine Thyroid Test in Dried Urine and Blood Spot
While measurement of urinary iodine levels may provide useful information on one's iodine nutritional status, iodine sufficiency does not always guarantee that adequate amounts of thyroid hormones will be synthesized by the thyroid gland. Adequate iodine status is essential for the production of normal levels of thyroid hormones and the integrity of thyroid and mammary glands. ZRT has combined the advanced technology of iodine determination in dried urine (DU), with that of thyroid hormone measurements in finger prick dried blood spots (DBS) to create the Comprehensive Iodine Thyroid Test. The Iodine-Thyroid Profile is designed to evaluate not only the availability of iodine, but also its capacity to be utilized for thyroid hormone synthesis. The thyroid glands capacity to utilize iodine for thyroid hormone synthesis is determined by measuring thyroglobulin, TSH, total T4, free T4, free T3, and TPO antibodies in finger-prick whole blood dried on filter paper.

Proactive Breast WellnessTM Hormone Test Kits Shipping Policy

New York State residents: Due to special restrictions, no orders will be shipped to the state of New York. New York State health law prohibits the testing of specimens collected in or mailed from New York and prohibits the transmission of data from our laboratory to NY physicians or residents. Therefore, we are unable to process Internet orders at this time.

California State residents: Due to special restrictions, no pre-paid orders will be shipped to the state of California without authorization from a health care professional licensed in California to order lab testing. California State health law does not allow the testing of specimens collected or mailed from California without a written order from a health care professional licensed to prescribe in California (M.D.; N.D.; D.C.; D.O.; N.P.; and L.Ac.).

If you live in California, please get your provider to give you a written prescription. Mail or Fax one copy to us and the original send in the kit along with your sample to ZRT Laboratory for processing. We cannot send the kit to you without the prescription order.

Mail your Written Prescription to our Administrative Office
1102 Hodson Lane
Eugene OR 97404
Fax to: 541-302-6565

International Residents: It is the receiver's responsibility to pay any sales and/or country taxes, international import fees and custom duties.

No PO Boxes if we are shipping UPS Ground - a physical address is required for UPS Ground delivery.

Orders typically ship within two business days (do not include weekends or holidays) but date & time of order shipment or delivery is not guaranteed.

Refund Policy: Kit and Shipping fees are non-refundable due to health regulations

Average delivery times do not include weekends or holidays. See chart below:

Delivery Type Average Delivery Time Rate US Dollars
Regular US Postal Service ( US Only) Variable$2.00
UPS Ground (U.S. Only)5 days (not available to Puerto Rico)$5.00
Priority Mail US Postal Service (US Only) 2-3 days$5.50
2-Day Delivery US Postal Service (U.S. Only)2 days$15.00
International (incl. Canada5-10 daysVariable

Returning your test kit to the lab within USA

The kits, unless specified or ordered differently, are designed for UPS domestic shipping return to ZRT Laboratory. This means shipping within the US, which includes Alaska and Hawaii.�

Returning your test kit to the lab from Canada or International

If you are ordering from Canada or internationally, you will need to return the specimen on your own and pay for shipping to ZRT Laboratory.�

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